Information Obligation for Users of ENERGA - OBRÓT SA Website Services and Forms

How do we protect your personal data?

Energa - Obrót SA, the owner of,, websites (hereinafter: “websites”), makes every effort to protect the data of the users of our online services.  In order to process your personal data collected while you use our services in a lawful, fair and transparent manner, we have implemented a Privacy Policy.

Who is the Controller of your personal data?

The details of the Data Controller (DC) in the field of electricity sales: ENERGA-OBRÓT S.A. with the registered office at Al. Grunwaldzka 472, 80-309 Gdańsk.

How to contact the Data Protection Officer?

You can contact the Data Protection Officer at the following e-mail address: or by mail to the address of the Data Controller.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?

The Data Controller processes your personal data for the following purposes: 

  • Account creation and User authentication. For this purpose, we process your personal data provided in the registration form. 
  • Statistical purposes to facilitate the use of individual functionalities of the websites and to ensure IT security.  
  • Handling complaints and requests, giving replies to queries. For this purpose, we may process some of the personal data provided by you in the Account Profile or provided in the application form, as well as the data on the use of our services giving rise to the complaint or request, the data contained in the documents attached to the application, complaint or request.
  • Satisfaction surveys related to the services we provide. For this purpose, we process your personal data including answers to our questions contained in questionnaires and forms used for satisfaction surveys.

Presentation of our products and services - if you are our customer until you object or if you are not our customer based on your consent. 

On what basis do we process your personal data?

  • The necessity to process data in order to perform relevant services provision contracts is the legal basis for processing of personal data in connection with provision of services. In addition, the so-called legitimate interest of the controller is the basis for processing for the purpose of the controller’s own marketing.
  • The processing of your data for marketing purposes of third parties will be based on your voluntary consent.
  • Processing of personal data in order to reply to your requests and queries submitted via electronic and online services.

Is the provision of personal data voluntary?

The data required to use the services are provided on a voluntary basis.

For how long will we process your data?

The data will be processed for as long as services are provided and as necessary to achieve the purposes of processing specified in point 3.

  • As concerns the contract performance, the data will be processed until its termination. Afterwards, the data will be processed for the period required by law or as necessary to pursue claims.
  • As concerns the compliance with legal obligations of the Data Controller, the data will be processed for as long as the obligations need to be complied with.
  • If you grant your consent for data processing, the data will be processed until you withdraw your consent.
  • As concerns the implementation of the legitimate interests of the Data Controller, the data will be processed until your objection to the processing of data has been accepted.
  • The data saved from cookies will be processed for the time specified in the cookies parameters or until they are deleted by the user.

To whom do we transfer your personal data?

Service providers:

  • We transfer your personal data to service providers used by us to operate websites. The service providers to whom we transfer your personal data, depending on the contractual arrangements and circumstances, are subject to our instructions as to the purposes and methods of processing of these data (processors).  We use providers who process your personal data only under our instructions.  They provide us with a cloud computing hosting service, online marketing systems, notifications displaying systems, e-mail sending systems, systems for analyzing website traffic, systems for analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. They also support the implementation of specific functionalities.

State authorities:

  • We transfer your personal data if requested to do so by competent state authorities, in particular organizational units of the prosecutor’s office, the Police, the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection (former President of the Office for Personal Data Protection), the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection or the President of the Office of Electronic Communications.

How long do we store personal data of users with no website account?

The personal data of Users with no website account are stored throughout life cycle of cookies stored on their devices.

What requests can you submit to us regarding your personal data?

  • To correct your data.
  • To delete your data processed unlawfully or displayed on the website.
  • To request restriction of processing of your data.
  • To obtain information on your personal data processed by us and a copy thereof 
  • To withdraw consent for processing of personal data if the consent was used as the basis for our processing of your data.
  • To object to the processing of your data.
  • To have your data transferred to another Controller.

    The scope of each of the above rights as well as the situations when they can be exercised are stipulated in legal regulations.  The option to exercise any of your rights will depend, for example, on the legal basis for our use of your data and the purpose of processing.

How can you file complaints, inquiries and requests regarding the processing of your personal data?

If you believe that your right to protection of personal data or other rights granted to you under the GDPR have been violated, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection (former President of the Office for Personal Data Protection).

How do we ensure the security of your personal data?

The online services use encrypted data transmission (SSL) for registration and logging, which ensures the protection of your identifying data and significantly hinders access to your Account by unauthorized systems or individuals.